Sunday, July 4, 2010

Not Quilty, But Please Check it out Anyway

In February 2009 my mother had a stroke. I was instant messaging with her when it happened and I was suspicious something was wrong when her messages came through to me with almost everything spelled incorrectly. I got a bad feeling and called her. We talked and with more info from her about how she was feeling, I said I thought she was having a stroke. And yes, unfortunately I was right.


But she has since had a wonderful recovery and I am so proud that she appeared in a TV commercial with me about the signs of stoke. The commercial was on television in our province for the month of June. It was quite cute when my kids saw it. My daughter who is three would run and hug the TV.


Anyway, the video above is the commercial. I can't say I love how I look or sound, but it is not about that. A longer video of us talking in more detail is on the Heart and Stroke Website here. The signs of stroke are important to know. It just takes a few minutes to commit them to memory. Thanks so much for reading this and checking out the video.