Friday, July 30, 2010

Fun or Fabulous Fabric Friday #9

New Brunswick Day Edition
I bought this fabric a couple of years ago at a flea market. I didn't quilt then, I just bought it because I thought my son would like the flags. Who knows what I figured I'd do with it. It was only $2.00 for a giant piece (maybe 5 or 6 yards) so actually I didn't think too much about anything besides whether or not I had a toonie* in my pocket.
Anyway, fast forward to 2010 when I decide to take up quilting. It is a totally treasured fabric to me now! I have fussy cut the New Brunswick flags out of it for two different quilts so far. I LOVE the unique touch of having flags of our own province in quilting cotton. I am soooo glad I have a big piece of this fabric as the NB flag only repeats so often.
I have no idea about the original source of the fabric as it doesn't have a printed selvage. The flag of Nunavut is not on it, but the other two territories are, so that dates it. That means it is pre-1999 fabric!
*Toonie = Canadian $2.00 coin.
Happy New Brunswick Day and happy weekend!