Thursday, December 9, 2010

Just One Little Square

In September I joined the KVQG -- Kennebecasis Valley Quilt Guild. December 14th is our Christmas meeting complete with a catered Christmas dinner. Yum! Also, for the meeting we were asked to bring a 12.5 inch block using the theme "Old-Fashioned Christmas." I'm not sure what happens with the blocks (fingers crossed it's a block lotto) but I imagine there will be some amazing ones considering the talent of the guild ladies. My humble contribution is above. Though it's not very fancy, it is very much "me." I don't applique and only piece, I like to use as many different fabrics as possible in everything I make, and I just make it up as I go.
Anyway, for the old-fashioned aspect to fit with the theme, I went with a traditional block, the log cabin. Plus real log cabins are about as old-fashioned as it gets right? *wink* The fabrics are some of my favorite Christmas fabrics with old-fashioned and nostalgic designs (mostly Sheri Berry 12 Joys of Christmas). I did some fussy cutting too. It was fast and fun!
Happy Quilting!