Friday, December 31, 2010

Hello, 2011: A New Year's Tribute

Originally from Venezuela and now from sunny Florida, Valentina Ramos brings her playful yet elegant world of fantasy art to cloth.  Valentina began her career as a graphic artist and has now expanded into designing her own creations, such as this gorgeous, exuberant, fat-quarter size tea-towel calendar for 2011.

Hello 2011,  Tea towel calendar, 21 x 18, by Valentina Ramos

Many of Valentina's designs are based on objects in the animal and plant world, such as flowers, leaves, and birds. She often works with Rapidograph pens to carefully embellish shapes with fanciful, intricate ornamentation.  You can learn more about Valentina and her extensive background in graphic art at her website, Valentina Design.  Also, you can read about the creation of 'Hello, 2011' on Valentina's blog.

El Canario Tea Towel Calendar,  21 x 18, by Valentina Ramos

Here's another wonderful calendar design, where a whimsical canary hops onto a branch in a cheerful New Year's greeting.  Notice how the orderly arrangement of the calendar and written fonts contrasts in a delightful manner with the curved, rounded shapes of the canary, flowers, and leaves. Shades of chartreuse and rose pink provide this calendar with lots of visual impact, a welcome addition to any room in the house.  Spoonflower Fabric offers this pattern of Valentina's in linen, quilting weight cotton, crepe de chine, and cotton voile, among other fabrics.

Valentina writes, "Self healing and positive energy are the motivating concepts which ignite my passion to create.  Through my work I hope to inspire and help others follow their dreams."  We are thrilled to feature dynamic, innovative artists such as Valentina Ramos, whose work provides so much encouragement to all of us who are fascinated with the world of arts and crafts. 

And finally, from Valentina's Etsy Shop, here's a design which sums up our approach to living in 2011 with courage, confidence, and hope:

Image credits:  Images are the copyright of Valentina Ramos and are shown with permission. At her web site, Valentina Design, you can find pillows, napkins, place mats, fabrics and iPhone cases featuring her art.