Tuesday, December 28, 2010

bloggie break . . .

That's what it's felt like, anyway. I've not been real consistent here the last week or so! But like I've said before, sometimes I'm too busy living life to take the time to blog about it. To that I say, GO ME! :)

We had a very wonderful Christmas. I had a short work week -- working just Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday night I came home and baked cookies for the guys at the shop. Whew!

Wednesday night (after staying late at work to do payroll) I went to our church's candlelight service. It was so beautiful! One of my favorite parts of this service is always when Brother Randy reads the Christmas story to all the children. This year he made the comment that his own boys (now teenagers and young adults) were too old to come sit up front. They got up on their own accord and went down front to sit at their daddy's feet and listen. This prompted the rest of the children their age (most of whom have been a part of the church since either it began or they were born -- whichever came first) to come and sit at his feet too! There was hardly a dry adult eye in the sanctuary!

Thursday, Todd and I went to the staff party at the Madison Baptist Association. What a blast! We played games, ate snacks, played Dirty Santa (with white elephant gifts), and ate some more. Whew! We also had some last minute shopping to do, so we tackled that, too. I really enjoy spending time with my darling husband! That night we picked up James, Kim & Sawyer and grabbed a bite to eat and then went looking at Christmas lights! We headed to one particular neighborhood that always has the most *wonderful* display of lights ... but evidently the owner of the best house had passed away during the past year. That was a little sad; that house has been a long-standing tradition for us -- and judging by the traffic moving through there that night, for other families, too. Nonetheless, I enjoyed spending time with family!

Friday, I turned my tiny kitchen (and dining area and living room) back into a cookie factory! It was well worth the time and effort -- I love baking, and everyone seems to enjoy the results!

Christmas Eve evening found us all gathered at Kim & James's home. We ate and laughed and prayed and were supremely entertained by one Saywer. He was in rare form!

He posed for a nice picture in his 'big boy pajamas' with his grandma, too! What a lucky lady I am!

Todd and I stayed until we couldn't keep our eyes open (which was about nine o'clock that evening). Then we headed home, took turns putting our presents under the tree and putting stockings together, and went to bed! Todd had to go on shift Christmas morning, so we wanted to get up and have our Christmas morning together, before he left.

When we got up that Merry Christmas morning, I opened the front door on a whim, to see if we had a white Christmas. To my *total* surprise, WE DID!! Todd and I opened presents and had a grand time! I'd gotten him a surprise -- a video camera -- and he'd gotten me a big surprise -- a Kindle! WOW!!

He got ready and headed out the door, into the snowy morning. Traffic was light for him, but he called me saying the roads were bad -- I wasn't to drive anywhere. That was a little sad, because I'd planned on driving into town to help serve dinner at our Downtown Rescue Mission. But it was still snowing, and the worst of it hadn't come in yet. We live north of the city, and the roads are curvy and hilly -- not the best for snow travel! Anyway, James decided he was going to come get me so I could spend the day with them, but before he got there, the roads got very bad and he got turned around at a spot where several cars had piled up.

But it was a lovely day. Quiet and serene. I chatted with my children, my parents, and my sisters (except my sister in Texas, who had no phone service due to storms there). I played in the snow and just enjoyed the meaning of the day!

Evidently, my little boo enjoyed his first Christmas . . .

I've never seen a nine month old so happy about clothes! But this little fellow is typically a pretty happy guy. He had the best time playing in the wrapping paper and boxes!

Even though it was icy and still snowing the next morning, Todd was able to make it home and we enjoyed a quiet day in the woods together. I will say it again -- I so enjoy my darling man's company.

Finally, here's a shot of grandbaby number two -- Everett -- wrapped up like a gift, for now. He's pictured prettily packaged in my beautiful daughter!

At thirty-two weeks she's glowing! Just think, next Christmas I'll have TWO grandbabies to hold on my knees!!

I'm am blessed beyond belief.
