Friday, December 10, 2010

Baubles: a Christmas tree quilt

We've had our eye on "Baubles" for a long time, and it is one of our favorite Christmas tree quilts. It's just so clever !

The Baubles quilt, which finishes at 68 x 63, is an original design by Louise Papas of Audrey and Maude. You can read about the design and construction of the quilt at a previous post on Louise Papas' lululollylegs blog. In that post you can also see a photo of Louise Papas and Cathy Porter, the Audrey & Maude team, who are based in Melbourne, Australia. The Baubles pattern is available at various online retailers, including Ballarat Patchwork and Kelani Fabric Obsession.  Last but not least, you can find Louise herself - along with many inspirational fabrics and patterns - at Amitie Textiles !