Friday, December 17, 2010

holiday happies . . .

I actually texted my husband late yesterday afternoon, "I'm debating." He knew exactly what I was debating and texted back, "U need to go tonight." My darling man, he knows me so well. It's just that there was/is so much to do still, to be ready for Christmas. But in the end, he was right. I had such a blast at last night's guild meeting, I'd truly have regretted not going.

I did run some errands beforehand -- I'd say about 93% of my Christmas shopping is DONE! Bam! I really feel accomplished. When I finished up my little bit of Christmas shopping, I headed to Newks, which is where our Stitcher's group met for dinner before the meeting. I'd never eaten there before. It was pretty good!

From there we headed across the street to the meeting. There was a pretty decent crowd present last night!

Boy what a huge difference three years makes. My very first guild meeting was the Christmas party meeting, three years ago. I knew absolutely no one, and had gone -- on a whim -- by myself. There were lots of tables set up (much like last night) and there were groups of women sitting and milling about and chatting . . . not the 'business meeting' at all I expected to find! So here I am, very much the introvert, walking into a room full of strangers. I headed straight for the bathroom and then headed straight back to the exit. If it hadn't been for the kindness of one of the ladies on the Hostess Committee, I'd have never come back! But she grabbed me, brought me in, introduced herself and several others, sat me down at her table, and the rest is history. Thank you, Charmaine!

Last night I bee-bopped around and chatted with ladies all over the room, took pictures, volunteered to help with show & tell, sat with my group, and I even had the opportunity to pay it forward and make a newcomer feel welcome!

I also signed up for a class to make this darling little critter . . .

Two of them, actually. Bet you can guess why!

Some of the sweet ladies in my Stitcher's group!

All of the women in this group have been so much fun to get to know and hang out with!

For the Christmas meeting, the board members all bring desserts. They put out a fabulous spread this year . . .

I fell in love with this little gingerbread man . . .

And he tasted pretty good, too!

I loved these little mice!! Aren't they precious?!?

They were completely gone by the time I went through the line! But it's okay -- the woman who brought them told me where to find the recipe. They don't look too tough; a perfect treat when I have grandchildren old enough to enjoy such things!

This is Jackie -- she's not only part of our group, but last night she was our designated 'board member' and fearless leader!

Each table had a board member standing by to give us directions for the cute little make & take project we did.

What was our make & take? Glad you asked. Each of us got a little carton filled with . . .

A bottle cap with two pre-punched holes, some gold elastic, a needle and a needle threader. Oh yeah, and a candy cane!

Then we picked out a round of fabric from an assortment . . .

I went straight for the daffodils!

And what did we make?

Cute little ring pin cushions!! Isn't this fun?!

We had such a marvelous time laughing, eating, laughing, stitching and laughing!

Wonder-power pincushion rings, ACTIVATE!

And to all a good GREAT night.
