Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Universe is a Wondrous Thing

I've mentioned before that I use to weave. That pretty much came to an end 15 years ago, when we moved to our current home. There simply was no adequate extra room to set up my big floor loom, and thus it went into storage. But lately I have been yearning to have the ability to weave again... nothing big or grand, just small swatches and patches of fabric to incorporate into my other textile work.

"All I need", I told my husband the other night, "is a small, 4 harness, table top loom... the kind that has little hand controls for operating the harnesses..."

So, imagine my surprise when a neighbor stopped by yesterday, with an old, small, 4 harness, finger controlled, table top loom table, asking if I might want it!?!

Turns out she had bought it a while back, but never got around to cleaning it, let alone figuring out how it worked. She realized that she never would, and remembered that once, a long time ago, I had mentioned that I use to weave.

It was covered in about an inch of dirt, dust and general grime, and still had part of an ancient weaving hanging from it... yet I could see that all of the parts were there, and happily accepted her wonderful gift. After an hour of lots of elbow grease and hard core scrubbing, plus a good dose of WD-40, she was ready to warp with a lovely cotton-linen thread, left over from my previous weaving days.

I wasn't sure how she would weave, but was delighted to find that 'ol rust, (that's what I'm calling her) keeps a beautiful tension, and is very easy to use!

Now, isn't the universe a wondrous thing?!


P.S. If you are more interested in the quilting side of things, you can see my latest piece in the post below. xo