Saturday, November 20, 2010

all sewn out . . .

What a fun evening I had, even if it wasn't *super* productive. I'm not my creative best in the evenings anyways, and generally by Friday night, I'm just downright pooped! Don't get me wrong; I can stay up -- I just have a hard time focusing. LOL! Mindless movies and internet surfing are more my evening speed. Ask my husband -- he has a hard time getting my day out of me when I got home at night. My brain just quits!

That being said, I did manage to make some progress with my hexagons!

Look at all these lovelies! I am so loving these colors.

So that set is all sewn, ready to be pressed. Hurrah!

I got my next set of strips sewn and pressed.

And then they went under the ruler . . .

I'm so 'in like' with this ruler! It's so much fun. I do admit I have to be really careful or it moves on me and I don't have equilateral triangles any more. Ooops!

So now my solids/patterned triangles are all cut and cute and ready to be assembled.

They will make either these cute little separator hexagons . . .

Or these fun, funky hexagons . . .

Which don't even look like hexagons because of their funkiness!

And I'm left with a huge pile of these. Triangle orphans, I'm calling them.

Don't worry little triangle orphans! I will find a way to use you! I'm thinking little mixed up hexie pillows. Since this quilt is for a pre-teen girl, I think that would be FUN!

So my long list of possibilities for last night ended up being just that. Possibility instead of reality. *sigh* I really should put up the hexagons and work on CHRISTMAS presents. LOL! Especially if I'm going to meet one of my Charming Girls goals for this month. Yikes!

For now, there's a big day ahead, full of fun, non-quilting things: like daughters and grandbabies (for a bit) and tea and ballet and THE GRINCH!!! I've been listening to Christmas music all morning -- I'm so in the mood!

And my man is on his way home from work and I promised him French toast and bacon for breakfast. Better get to scooting!

Glad tidings!
