Thursday, November 18, 2010

whirlwind of activity . . .

Today's post will be a little light, but the next few days? Watch out!

First, I just got a text from my husband that there was a "box" in today's mail for me! I'm not expecting anything at our post office box -- I have my boxes sent to my work, because it's where I am during the day, and because getting packages from a po box is sometimes...trying. He told me who it's from and where it's from; I still have no CLUE! But I dearly love brown paper packages tied up with string! Unfortunately, it'll be a bit before I'm home to open this one!

Tonight is my quilt guild meeting. Our speaker tonight is Irene Lathan, the author of Leaving Gee's Bend.

Her program is entitled, Every Quilt Tells a Story, and she'll also be sharing quilts with us. I'm excited, because not only is Gee's Bend quilting history, it's also Alabama history. If you're interested, you can check out Irene's website by clicking HERE.

In addition to the guild meeting, our Stitcher's group is meeting at Nothing But Noodles for dinner tonight. YUM!!

Tomorrow night is the Friday Night Sew-in! I'm really looking forward to coming home from work tomorrow afternoon, putting away groceries, putting on my jammies, and CREATING!! (It's not too early for Christmas movies, is it?)

I've got a couple of different projects to work on -- the hexagons (which I'd *really* like to finish up soon), a Christmas table topper idea I want to flesh out, and some Christmas presents, too. If Joc's nursery fabric comes in today or tomorrow, I may play a little with that, too! Another *yummy* evening! If you've not signed up yet, it's not too late!! Head on over to Handmade by Heidi and put yourself on the list!

Then Saturday, Kim, Joc and I are going to have a real girlie afternoon! We're going to have lunch at Emma's Tea Room - my favorite tea joint . . .

(click the photo to see Emma's website)

. . . and then we're heading into town to see a ballet performance of How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Is that not the PERFECT way to kick off the holiday season?!? I'm very excited!

(click the photo to visit the Academy of Classic Arts)

All in all, a flurry of fun activity over the next few days. I'll look forward to sharing my happy times!
