Saturday, November 13, 2010

not a total bust . . .

I didn't do a lick of quilting today. Not the first stitch! And I was so psyched to hit the sewing machine, too! There was just one little problem. The back bunk room was a mess. My quilting things were unorganized, my fabric stash bin looked like it had imploded, I couldn't get to some things easily, and it was starting to get a little junkie and cramped. I share this space with Todd, so it is all the more important that I keep my stuff in tip-top organized shape!

So I hauled out my fabric and got it all organized and folded. I put my Christmas fabric all together in one box, and filled another box with large panel prints and specialty prints, like my tea collection and my lighthouse collection. I also moved my tote of batting out to the basement. I went through all my bin drawers and consolidated those. I moved my quilting books from the big tote they were in, to a spot that's inside, but out of the way (they have been in the RV's basement). I even moved my table around to leave some floor space, too! So maybe tomorrow evening I can sit down and be serious!

We also had a Girl Scout troop up here today for a He & Me event. There were 84 girls and their dads up here for the afternoon! They had a scavenger hunt, made a craft, then sat around the camp fire roasting marshmallows, making s'mores, and singing campfire songs. I think they had a great time!

I took Easy on down to the upper pond -- it was a beautiful day!

The fall color -- and most of the leaves, too -- are almost all gone.

Here's the spot where Todd's put the cedar trees in shallows, for the minnows! I didn't see any fish today.

This evening I made a big pot of spaghetti sauce, for dinner later in the week.

And a sugar free apple pie for my handsome husband!

So, no quilting, but it was a great and productive day! Tomorrow my daughter and son-on-law are coming over for a Chinese lunch with Todd & I. Joc and I are going to comb the internet for owl fabric for her nursery!!

Can't wait!
