Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hello, My Dear Quilting Friends,

Well, plans change.... today I thought I would be with my daughter...." NO"... They had some difficult times...while packing and moving. Courtney fell down the stairs... she thought she broke her leg. As it turns out just bruised it real bad and, then the pods they had did not fit everything they had. She said, they had way more than they ever thought. They already spent 4000.00 for these two pods.. I guess they are leaving some things over at Courtney's mother -in -laws. They have a storage bin. They will get it later on.

All things do work out. They will be in leaving Tuesday morning now.... as other issues came up. Which they will have all straightened out by Monday afternoon. The two of them have never moved before. When they moved up to MD, they just took clothes and the dogs.. then they bought a house.... This was a big deal this move and packing and they are worn out big time. Learned a lot too in how to do the packing.

As for Thanksgiving day, we had a certain amount going to my parents... now four more families want to come. It is going to be so wonderful to have the entire family there.
Everyone is helping out with a dish... or a pie.

Working today on that Christmas quilt I am making Courtney and Jerry. I made one like it before, and they loved it. I am making a little different border. Its really nice. I have to sandwich it tomorrow.... and I am going to use the machine to quilt it. I have some designs that are pretty, and simple which will look nice for this quilt.

Hubby home and I made him a bit ago cranberry muffins.... now he thinks I am the best wife ..LOL
Hope everyone is have a great evening! Hugs Morgan