Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hello, My Dear Quilting Friends,

Hello All! Today I am going to be in the sewing room most of the day! Finishing up some of the Christmas items. Only 5 days until my daughter and hubby get down here. I am really excited. I am looking forward to the holidays.... with the family. We all have been planning our Thanksgiving day.
I can feel every one's excitement... and tomorrow I get out all of the Christmas items and decorations ..... which I am real excited about. So many things to be thankful for. Jeff is celebrating 10 years since he had his heart operation and had a value put into his heart. He was 26 years old then. My dad is celebrating his second year since he had a heart attack. Plus its going to be Cheri the puppy second Christmas. ( The very spoiled puppy dog)! I think back to last year... when we picked her up on December 2ND... and had her with us for three weeks before we surprised my parents with her. ( She is doing great... and has brought so much joy to my parents.) I can say will be easier this time around without her here... before the holiday. Even though I still remember just how sweet and cute she was.

Have a wonderful, great day everyone! Hugs Morgan