Friday, November 19, 2010

Hello, My Dear Quilting Friends,

Have my window done now!

Hello everyone! Today has been a busy day for me, still arranging the house with all of my Christmas items. Its fun, and a lot of work too. Only 2 days and my daughter will be here. I am so excited! They leave on Saturday... will be in sometime Sunday. Both of them, Courtney and Jerry are very tired, sad to say goodbye to the house they had loved so much. Yet they decided they want to be with family again.

So many at this time of year are having problems... are sick, or just lost a job, or about to lose a job. Others have no money, or are struggling so... and it seems to only be getting worse, and its very sad. My brothers father -in-law had to be flown to a hospital in Miami, and he is not doing well at all.

Small children suffering, and older folks struggling to get by with money.... each month. The ones who still have jobs, either have had cut backs, or more and more taken away. ( Like my Hubby). Christmas bonus are a thing of the past for us now. Hubby making lots less, yet still working long hours... and others in the same boat.
This is the time of year to just reach out to others, who are in a worse way than we are.

I am so thankful for so many things, what we still have.... and happy for those in my family who are now healthy, and doing great. It has been a tough , hard year... and yet I feel happy to have all I have.

Well, off to work on the tree now!

Have a great evening! Hugs Morgan