Thursday, February 17, 2011

what's in a name . . .

Grandmother is the formal term, but through the years, hundreds of adaptations have found their way into the mouths of babes. From 'Granny' to 'Bibi' to 'Mimsy' and back again; the possibilities are endless.

I have a friend whose children call her mom, their grandma, "Sweetie." The reason is not because that's what they were told to call her, but it's because that's what they always heard their grandpa call her. They thought that was her name! Aside from being a darling, darling grandma-name, it's quite a testimony to their grandpa, as well!

I was the first grandchild to both sets of my grandparents. Lots of times, the first grandchild sets the pace. I called my mom's folks "Grandma & Grandpa" and my dad's folks, "Grandma Willie & Pop pop." Naturally, all the siblings and cousins that followed, followed suit. Of course, that's what I was *taught* to call them.

Sometimes, no matter what you've tried to teach your babies, they say what they want to say. I'm sure that's how tags like "Mawmaw" and "Meemaw" and "Gramma" and "Nana" possibly came about.

Sometimes Grandmas have preferences . . . for example, I know one grandma who goes by "Gigi". But in her mind, that's G.G. for Gorgeous Grandma!

Anyway, all this grandma talk because, well . . . I am one. And about to be again! And therein lies the crux. Sawyer is the firstborn, and is well on his way to talking, and he will set the names for each one of his grandparents! And since he's got a couple of each, as will Everett, I got to thinking . . .

Wouldn't it be nice to have one of those grandma names that is just unique to me?

So I started playing around with names . . .

Grandma Denise (mouthful)
Grandma Neese
Grandma Neesey

So, provided Sawyer goes for it, Todd and I will be Paw-paw and Neesey.

Neesey. It's just who I am!
