Monday, February 7, 2011

one last week . . .

Today is design wall Monday over at Judy Laquidara's Patchwork Times!

I'd committed to not having anything new on my design wall until the owl quilt was completely finished. Next week, there will be something new here! Last night though, during a rousing super bowl game, I finished up the hand quilting on the owl quilt!!! And since I was so close . . .

And the binding was right there and ready . . .

I thought, "Let's go for it!" I should have quit while I was ahead. Ugh.

When you were younger, did anyone ever get you to repeat the solemn, secret, magical phrase, "Oh-waah Tah-gue Siam"? For me, it was my Pop pop who taught me this little doozy. It ran through my head over and over after I got about halfway through sewing the binding on.

I was really pleased with how quickly it was going and how nice my corners were looking. In fact, I was so please, that just before I got to my third corner, I had the desire to stop what I was doing (stitching), and admire my handiwork. So I grabbed the second corner I'd finished, went to flip the fabric over that corner, and . . .


I'd folded it down backwards, so I stitched the binding down into itself! UGH!! Luckily it was a relatively easy fix, and just a few minute spent with the trusty ol' seam ripper.

Finally, the binding is all stitched on (the right way) and ready to be pressed and hand stitched. But I decided I needed to put it down for the night. I never really do my best work after 9 pm anyway!

This owl perfectly reflected how I felt. Grrrr.

Oh what a goose I am!
