Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Purr-fect Pillowcases

For Valentine's Day I made pillowcases for my son and daughter. I found some fabulous cat fabric that I knew they would get a laugh out of. My kids love cats. We don't have a cat because my husband is allergic, but my parents have a nice black cat called Shakey that my kids like to claim partial ownership of.
My daughter's pillowcase is above.
And my son's.
Here's a close-up of the fabric. It's pretty cute and funny. It's like a Cat Gossip magazine. It uses lots of very current references too. See "Kitty GaGa" and "Catty Perry" and of course "Dear Tabby." My daughter is too young to get the jokes, but she loves all the cat pictures and the fact that it is pink! It has a large repeat and there are lots of other funny things as well.
This fabric is a newspaper spoof. My son likes it and he can read well, so I told him if he can't fall asleep, just to read his pillowcase.
They are both Timeless Treasures fabrics. In case you are interested, I bought mine on Etsy here and here, but it is a new fabric so it should certainly be available other places too.
Thanks for stopping by!
And for some linky fun ...