Thursday, February 17, 2011

Basic Rotary Cutting Tutorial

Materials needed:
Rotary cutter with a sharp blade.
Rotary mat.
Non-slip Ruler, I like to use a 24"x6" and a 12"x6"
To start lay your material out flat on your rotary mat. Lay the edge of the fabric to the left. As shown in the image above. Fabric is folded in half so I am cutting a 22" strip.
Lay your ruler along the left edge of your material and trim the edge square. You are squaring up your fabric.
Remove material that you've trimmed away.
I will be cutting 2 1/2" squares. 
Use your ruler to measure and line up 2 1/2" from the left side. As shown in the image above.
Cut with rotary cutter.
You will have 1- 2 1/2"xWOF (width of fabric) strip.
To cut a second strip move your ruler over 2 1/2" from the previous cut line. Then cut again.
You will have 2 - 2 1/2"xWOF strips.
Take one of those strips and lay it horizontal on your rotary mat. I will now use my smaller ruler.
Cut off the selvage to square up the fabric.
As you did before use your ruler to measure 2 1/2" from the left side of your fabric. Cut.
Now you've got some perfect 2 1/2" squares.
To continue cutting your strip into 2 1/2" squares you will continue to use your ruler and cut from the left.
This method works great when cutting several strips, squares or any type of rotary cutting.

I use an Olfa Rotary cutter, Olfa Rulers and Olfa Rotary Mat.
(I was not compensated in any way by Olfa)

Hope you learned something new today!

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