Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day Fabric Giveaway: How About Some Heather Ross?

So I was trying to think of a good reason to have a giveaway, to find something blog-related to celebrate. But since this is my 136th post (not 100 or 200), I have 186 Followers (not 100 or 200 or 1000 - hee, hee, I can dream right), and my one-year blog anniversary doesn't happen until March, I was almost stumped until I thought, hey why not just good old Valentine's Day? That's the perfect reason to share some pretty fabric.
So what am I giving away? How about 3 Heather Ross Mendocino FQs and a half yard of Heather Ross West Hill?
All it takes to win is a comment on this post. The winner will be chosen by random draw. BUT to make it a little more fun to read the comments, here's what I'd like you to come up with. You know how little kids' Valentine cards have cute little puns or plays-on-words on them, well how about thinking up a little line like that which could go on a Valentine for a quilter. For example "Valentine, you're sew sweet!" or "Valentine, can you quarter inch a little closer to me?" or one my husband suggested would be good for me, "Valentine, can we selvage our love?" It's all in fun, no judging here. I know I'll get a laugh out of this. I am never disappointed in the wonderful creativity of quilters!
Now, for some fine print. Giveaway is open worldwide. International entries are welcome and encouraged. Entries close at 7:00 PM AST on Sunday, February 13, the winner will be announced here on the blog by Monday, February 14. Please be sure that your email is attached to your profile or that you leave it in the comment. I need to be able to email the winner. Just one entry per person please.
Happy Quilting!
Comments are now Closed