Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sweet Surrender

Many thanks for all the words of wisdom, comfort and understanding that you each offered to me in my last post!

From reading the comments, it seems that artistic road blocks and creative detours, (which can leave us feeling more lost then we feel comfortable with) are pretty common, and it helps to be reminded that not only are we not alone on our journey, it's actually an okey-dokey place to be.

If we just stay calm, and even take some time to be at peace with the odd cross-roads which we find ourselves standing in, we might even learn a thing or two.

Well, I'm still at those creative cross-roads, scratching my head over which way to go, but I'm making peace with the fact that this is where I am, and trusting that eventually I will feel like I am on the right path again. I guess the thing that I am trying to learn is patience, (which seems to be a lesson that I keep needing to learn over, and over again).

In the meantime I am going to be listing the pieces that I made a few weeks ago, (and actually liked!) and do my best to just begin enjoying where I am in the moment, even if it feels a bit directionless.

These two "Mini Scrap Quilts" can be found here and here.

(I have a few more that I will be listing in the next few days.)

And here's to all of you... where ever you you find yourself in your own creative journey, know that I am grateful for getting to walk this path with such generous, lovely and talented kindred spirits. xo

P.S. I'm reading the comments, and have to say, don't worry about me! I'm well and fine, and have my sense of humor fully intact! I tend to get philosophical about things, but believe me, I'm not being hard on myself, I'm just antsy, (as I get bored easily doing the same thing over and over) and impatient to figure out something new. (If patience is a virtue, it's a virtue that I lack!) This post was simply to say that I am learning not to rush things and to be more content being where I am, instead of where I think I should be.