Friday, February 25, 2011

Show N Tell is back!

My friend Amy hosts Show-N-Tell each Friday, it's a fun way to connect with friends and see what everyone has accomplished.
I'm excited to join her this week. Since my new pattern Twigs is finally done so I can share something.
Patterns are now available for purchase and will begin shipping around the middle of March!
If you haven't had a chance to check out my other friend Amys' book, Modern Basics, here is your chance to read my review and win a copy of her book!

Also, have you had a chance to read about our Hobo Quilt Block of the month?
I'm super excited about this and would love to have you join me!
Click here for more information.

Now, off to run errands, we received about a foot of new snow over night and my little car is a little scary in that much snow. 

Don't miss our sale @ Piece N Quilt!
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