Monday, February 7, 2011

Kansas Troubles - Home from the cruise just in time for Day 7

And just in time to have missed the great blizzard of 2011. Here's one of the perks of that snowstorm- Gabriels and Lilly's snowman. I just love the mouth. And the eyes aren't coal - they're walnuts still in the hulls.

I love Lynn's pillow and all of the symbolism. You simply must hop over to her blog to see it and read all about it. If you missed the retreats they used to give, you truly have missed a great time.
Tomorrow we off to see Kate Spain. Have just met her at the last few Markets and she seems to be a truly nice person. That seems to be a trait of the Moda designers. Maybe Cheryl won't hire you unless you're nice as well as a good designer. :)