Monday, January 31, 2011

Starting Something New

My son's birthday is coming up in early March. He'll be 6(!) As is quickly becoming a tradition at our house, he's requested a quilt. After seeing me make the purple and pink patchwork square quilts for his sister, his request is for the same thing, but using blues and greens. His will also be a bit larger, twin-sized, for his bed.
Step one was to go through the fabric I already have. My son sorted it with me and I was happy to find that I had a nice selection of blues and greens to start. After quilting for a year, I finally have a workable "stash."
The next step was to look through the scraps and the pile of squares I've been cutting from my scraps. Above are some of the green.

And the blue.

And then it's always fun to buy just a wee bit of something new. I got the two fat quarters above at my LQS. They are Clothworks fabrics. I love the wilderness print with the moose and deer! And of course some owls. I think the fabric designers have finally moved beyond owls, since the last year has seemed to be an owl-a-thon, but I couldn't resist this owl fabric since it had a cute green background.
Since my son is turning six, it is getting to be a fine line between things that are too cutesy for a "big boy" and things that are still just cute-yet-cool. Know what I mean? This is probably my last chance to put owls (especially owls wearing aprons) in a quilt for him.

I also bought this free-motion quilting foot at my LQS. I haven't tried it yet, but I'll be sure to take photos of my very first attempts at free-motion quilting when I get around to it. And I'll show them here for some comic relief.
Finally, for those who noticed I went a bit longer between my blog posts than I usually do, it's because my laptop crashed last week and I had to buy a new one. I loved my good old laptop, with my nice old Windows XP and Word 2003 (for my writing) but I guess I'll get used to this new one.
On another note, I am definitely the slowest binder in the East. I am putting the binding on my Selvage Snowman quilt and it is taking forever. It could be because it has three miles of binding, but I think I'm also just plain slow. But hopefully, within a week or so, I can post him here, 100% done.
Happy Quilting!