Wednesday, January 26, 2011

it's here . . .

Finally, after much anxious waiting, I got the call that my brace was ready to pick up. It looked pretty much like I thought it was going to look, except the brown was prettier than anything I'd seen in pictures, and it smelled like Todd's new coat (which is leather) or a new car (with leather interior). In other words, it smelled like leather. Which it is.

I have to admit that I've been a little skeptical about how much the brace would help. I mean, how could it make the bone-on-bone-on-bone pain quit? I really wasn't sure, even as the orthotist put it on and laced me up.

Then I took my first step.

And I cried.

Yesterday I took the first pain-free steps with my right foot since May 21, 2010. It deserved my tears of joy! I don't think my orthotist realized how significant an event this was for me. Or perhaps, since he's got a wife and daughter, he understood all too well. :)

So, here it is . . .

It's not really much to look at, though there's nothing a little bedazzling and some pink, sparkly laces wouldn't fix.

And I need to get new shoes to wear with it. My tennis shoes (which I've been wearing because my orthotics fit best in them), are a tad snug.

And you definitely need to be in a shoe when you're wearing this thing! Shoelessness is not an option.

Pretty funky, right? I don't care. It felt *good* to walk to today! I still walk funny, because I'm getting used to the brace. It doesn't allow me ankle/flex movement, so I look a little stiff. But who cares? It doesn't hurt! And driving was a little . . . interesting. Because I can't flex me foot to press the gas or brake, and have to move my leg from the hip to exert pressure, especially to accelerate. But who CARES??? It *still* doesn't hurt!!!

I've quilted five of the owls . . . only seven more to go! Easy-peasy. And nice to do while Todd's playing football on the xbox!

I wish the quilting showed up a little better in these photos, but the owls are so cute, I decided to show 'em anyways.

And besides, whooooooo cares?

It doesn't hurt to walk!
