Thursday, January 13, 2011

Highly Prized

This is the first of my journal quilts for our project on the theme "Highly Prized" (click pic for greater detail)

When I thought of what I prize highly, I immediately thought of my BSP (Beloved Spouse for those of you who are new to my blog), my children, my family. There is nothing that I prize more highly than my precious family and our love for one another, and I am nearly daily, consciously grateful for BSP and the life we have made for ourselves.

If I'd had the ability, I would have printed the words and the photo onto the fabric, but in lieu of that ability, I've glued and stitched them (the words with clear filament thread).

Otherwise, I'm pretty pleased with this abstract and celebratory visioning of our life. 

Highly prized - my Beloved Spouse, our children and our life together.

Your thoughts? Ideas for improvment?

How it's made at my process blog