Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Neighbours

Look what arrived in the mail for me. Woohoo! I finally won my first blogland giveaway. And what a fabulous prize. I received these nine house blocks from Beth at Love Laugh Quilt in her Blogland Neighbourhood giveaway. I am keen to make something with these. I love the variety, creativity and details in each of them!
Check out the windows! Jodi (Come Tarry with Me) put owls in hers. And I love the little railing along the front of the house.
Linda (Stray Stitches) has a dog and cat hanging out at her place. And she chose the most perfect fabric for the chimneys!
Sue (From the Magpie's Nest) obviously knows that I sit by the window and check my email while drinking coffee in the morning. She's got my laptop right there for me.
Blue Mountain Daisy made my daughter smile with two little girls in the house and a lawn covered with daisies.
How did Em (Em Celebrates) know that it's sometimes a circus at my house? ;-)
Linda (Fiber-and-Pulp) contributed some subtle batik beauty.
A selvage roof? Perfect. That's from Nostalgic Cafe.
A pretty pink frame (currently one of my favourite colours) sets off the house from Vroomans Quilts.
Retro Fabulous contributed that last block. And yes I agree, she used some retro fabrics fabulously.

Above is the block that I had sent in. Karen at Selvage Blog won the group with my block. I am really curious to see what she does with it.

And now for something totally random. My son and daughter somehow spill their drinks pretty much everyday. However, it's not everyday that the resulting spill looks like a heart! Funny, eh? That is a milk spill on my son's shirt, exactly the way it landed, completely unaltered. I of course didn't let him go change until I grabbed my camera and took this picture!
Happy Quilting!