Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Contribution to the Neighbourhood

Yesterday I posted the house blocks I won in the Blogland Neighbourhood Giveaway from Beth at Love Laugh Quilt. Well, what I forgot to show was the little preprinted quilty house block that she sent to everyone who entered (great idea) to make a little something with. I decided to add mine to my "neighbourhood" and made the block above. I used the little square as the neighbourhood welcome sign.
My idea for the blocks I received is very simple, as there is already so much great whimsy going on in what everyone else made, I really don't feel I need to add much to get a nice result. I am using the fabric below in my project though ...
... I thought it was appropriate. And I'm happy to find a use for it. I had bought this fabric for a swap that didn't end up happening, but now it will be perfect for this.
Happy Quilting!