Monday, August 9, 2010

my hero, and a lovely weekend . . .

We're transitioning! Yesterday we woke up at the house, but Todd wasn't feeling well so I sent him back to bed. When he woke up again, I had this crazy idea that we head back to the RV ... and SPEND THE NIGHT! What makes this all the more fantastic is, I'm off today, he's working! I'd like to think we're back . . . FOR GOOD! :) We sat at the table last night and watched two does come up to eat, and a host of assorted birds and squirrels hit the feeders. This morning Todd came down to find the whole raccoon family out there! Now I'm sitting here, drinking my second cup of coffee, and watching the nuthatches flit back and forth from feeder to tree!

When we moved the RV over to the new, permanent site, Todd found the phone line that the old caretaker had used. He called to check with the local phone company and guess what? We have DSL! Whoohoo!! I can upload photos and download patterns to my heart's content! Plus, I got an HDMI cable for my laptop, so we can watch stuff from online (like Rick & Bubba's USTREAM) on our flat screen! :)

Last time Todd was on shift, the whole station headed to some appreciation dinner (National Night Out). While they were there, they had their pictures taken . . .

The fire fighters of Station 6, Third Shift. Great group of men!

And here they are again with all their trucks! Todd is the fire fighter on the ladder truck.

Here was my kitchen, Saturday afternoon. I made spaghetti and garlic bread for lunch that day. It was really good! Probably because I used a $9 jar of spaghetti sauce. Good grief. It was the lowest in its sugar content (3 g per serving) and it was organic! LOL!

And there's Todd, talking about Camp MACOBA, no doubt, at his station! We've got a great picture window right there at the table. It's our favorite place to park ourselves! And yes, those are my crutches in the left of the photo there. I'm starting to get around better and better on them!

Saturday evening we headed over to the pavilion to meet and greet the group that had come up for a church picnic. There were about 25 folks there. They'd had dinner, but invited us to go through the line and sit for a bit. That was really nice, because it meant I didn't have to figure out what to do for dinner! We stayed and chatted as they wound things up and headed out. We were the last ones there and I turned and saw the sunset hitting just so on the back side of the pavilion and thought, this is worth a photo. We are in a most beautiful setting!

I went through my fabric bin last night and though I didn't have as much of the fabric I'd backed my first quilt with (which is where the block is from), I do have enough of the fabric I used for the binding, so that's what I'll use. I may play with that today. It would be nice to have a finish of any sort under my belt, after so long!!

Happy Monday!
