Tuesday, August 10, 2010

. . .

Today is definitely a day I'd not care to repeat!

I drove this morning, and while it was a little painful, it was also nice to be behind the wheel. This is the very first time I've driven my new car! She's fun and handles nicely. It's weird, but she feels a bit more substantial than my last PT Cruiser felt.

I couldn't fit my poor little foot into any of my shoes. Not even my Yellowboxes (which I thought for sure would fit). I had to wear a sock. And even it was tight!

I was not prepared for the surge of emotion I'd feel when I drove by the accident site. We'd passed it before, but I'd never driven by it before. All of a sudden I was crying. In fact, I thought I might need to pull over because of the tears, but it was okay. Wow, just reliving that moment brings the tears back to my eyes! I've been reliving the accident in my sleep again lately. I guess it was because I knew I'd be driving soon.

I told Todd today that I didn't mind our arrangement of him driving me everywhere and that I could live that way forever! He said no. :)

We didn't have a/c at work today. Ummm, that's yucky. I spent six hours in 90+ degrees. Not to mention the humidity. I was cranky. Even the cat was cranky. Luckily, Todd agreed to let me be a passenger on the way home. He's a good man!

Luckily, tomorrow is not today, and the a/c guys came and by tomorrow it should be back to normal. And I'm driving again tomorrow. *And* we're moving the rest of our stuff from the house back to the RV. And I have physical therapy very late tomorrow afternoon.

But it won't be a repeat of today!
