Monday, August 23, 2010

i ♥ mondays!

It's lovely not having to go to work on Mondays; I enjoy getting up so much more! This was the breakfast crew this morning. I looked up and there were two fawns. Then I looked up again and a third fawn had joined them. One minute later, a doe comes ambling in. Next time I glance out there, it's a full house!

We headed into town relatively early this morning. Todd had some mail outs that needed to be run through the meter and then gotten to the post office, and I needed to make a visit to the doc. My asthma has kicked into high gear, for some reason, and I really, REALLY needed to be seen. I know it was bad, because the doc said as much; he doesn't know what triggers it either (I mean, c'mon -- the last episode I had was ages ago! When I went to pull out an inhaler last week, it had expired in March . . . of 2009!!) He did tell me that we needed to act fast and pull no punches. Like he needed to tell me this, "You've had enough hospital time this summer!" I agree, doc, I agree! He did tell me that he was *very* pleased with how the brown recluse spider bite looked!

After the doc's office (and dropping off the prescriptions) we headed over to one of our favorite places to eat out . . . Cracker Barrel! I don't know why, but when I was looking at the menu, hot chocolate caught my eye, and that's what I wanted . . .

And it was very, *very* good!!

Todd did not want his picture taken this morning! He's such a darling husband! I love him!

After breakfast, we shopped around the store a bit. They have all the Alabama / Auburn game gear out on display, as well as lots of fall decor and Halloween stuff! Oh my goodness, and I couldn't believe it, but there was already a whole section of CHRISTMAS stuff on display! I couldn't linger there -- it's way to early for me to see that stuff!!

I did make two little purchases. One for us -- an 8" pre-seasoned cast skillet, for making cornbread for two. And one for the most specialist, little man in my life!! Isn't he just darling? It looks like he's getting ready for Halloween -- he's gonna be a Ninja turtle!

Cowabunga, dude!
