Tuesday, August 31, 2010

eq & the generosity of friends . . .

Yesterday I played around with that Christmas table topper, mentioned my color/fabric dilemma, asked for input, and got it! One dear blogger friend, Pat, from A Little of This and a Little of Pat, didn't just make suggestions, she opened up her EQ7 and did a little playing around for me!

First, she replaced the cream with a green and sent me this one:

Then, at my request, she tweaked it just a tad and sent this one back. I love this!!! The holly fabric has just a hint of gold glimmer going through it; I think it would be pretty if the green did, too. Look, it even has the binding on it!

Then she just played around with the block and sent me three alternatives:

Of the alternatives, this last one is my favorite! I didn't realize how easy/fun/handy EQ was. I've never seen it used. I'm rather fascinated by the catalog of fabrics it has in its library. I think this convinces me that I'd like to have it! I may have to adjust my birthday list! :)

Pat thank you *so* much for doing this for me! I do hope today finds you feeling better!

And my son sent me a smile. I watched Sawyer on Saturday evening when they set him down with the book -- he turns the pages and everything! What a precocious rascal he is! And a reader, to boot -- gotta love it!

Moo, moo!
