Monday, August 9, 2010

finally . . . a finish!!!

What a happy day today was! At some point I was sitting here playing on my laptop, and I turned around and saw this . . .

Yay! A doe and her twin fawns! They are so darling. I wish I could pet them! The fawns are a lot more jittery than the mom. They'd all of a sudden take off running, and then run back. Mom didn't even lift her head!

This sweet little goldfinch has been hitting the feeders off and on all day. He makes his rounds to the four feeders, and then flies off, so the female can come in and get a bite.

This solo doe came up through the camp this afternoon. It had rained briefly and cooled the temps, so I guess the deer were moving around a bit more. I happened to look out the side window and thought I saw a chipmunk in the woodpile. Then I started, as I saw a pair of legs through the hedges, walking down the paved road. Then I realized it was a set of legs . . . a set of four! The doe peaked her head in through the short cut I'd trimmed into the hedge, and tentatively stepped on into the site. She'd been here before, I'll bet, because she walked straight to the corn! The doe with the two fawns came back through a couple of hours later.

In the meantime, I squared this up this afternoon . . .

Since the back of the pillow top will be hidden, I wanted to get plenty of pictures of it. LOL!

And then I pulled out the ol' sewing machine and worked that thang! It felt really good. Really, really good. I'm so tickled with the end result!

The back is simple and I did a fold-over flap, so that I could pull the pillow form out and wash the cover, if I needed to.

Today, this . . .

Tomorrow, this . . .

This is a week of big things for me!
