Friday, August 27, 2010

I had good intentions

 I arrived at my studio bright and early this morning, was doing a little bit of piecing on my conventional machine when my needle broke, no big deal. Then I realized that was the last regular needle I had. Boo :(
So I left my machine and decided to work on a different project until my LQS opened, which wasn't for two hours. After they opened I ran and picked up some needles. I put the new needle on my machine and when I did I realized that the needle was right above the metal on my presser-foot. 
 I always move the needle to the desired position and while I had been away we had a power surge, that made my needle become stuck right about the metal. Not good. I hurried and got on the phone with the Bernina dealer and they told me I had to bring them the machine. So I jumped in the car and headed to the dealer, which is about 30 miles away. Went in and the sweet little man told me that he doesn't work with the computerized Berninas only the older ones and the man who works on the newer ones just left and won't be back for a couple of hours. GREAT! I drove all that way and now they can't fix it. The little man says let me take a look and maybe I can do something. So he gets the machine, applies a little pressure to the needle bar and pop, it went right back into place! Then the little man was nice enough to oil and clean my machine for me all for FREE! He is now my new best friend! He saved my day! Although I didn't get much accomplished today at least my machine is fixed!
Hope you're all having a great day with no broken needles or machines! :)

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