Tuesday, February 2, 2010

waxing clean . . .

So while in the grocery store the other day, as I perused the magazine aisle (cuz I'm a sucker for that aisle), I stumbled upon a new healthy eating magazine . . . Clean Eating. I hesitated for just a second, with my hand hovering mid-air, and then I gave in and picked it up and started paging through it. And then I put it in my cart. :) I was intrigued with some of the claims on the cover like, Easiest Breads You'll Ever Make (Skip the Bread Maker) p.57 and Low-Cal, Low-Sodium Minestrone Soup with Quinoa p.40, to name a few. So I got it and took it home and really went through it. And I have to admit, it was worth the $5.99 newsstand price. Some interesting articles and lots of yummy-sounding, healthy, and inexpensive recipes that aren't so full of bizarre and strange ingredients that I've never heard of or have to spend a small fortune on, or have to drive to India to find. You know what I mean . . . like cooking one of Martha Stewart's recipes! (Who I love dearly; I'm just sayin.)

Oh. And I do know you can't drive from Alabama to India.

Anyway, I was *really* captivated by the Minestrone (about which I think I posted a blurb on Saturday) which was featured on the cover, so I pushed up my sleeves and made it. And it was quite good, and pretty, too! This is a before Parmesan shot.

And this is the cornbread I made to go with it. Cornbread is so good. It's so bad for you and probably cancelled out all the good I was doing with the Minestrone, but it's so yummy and perfect for a cold winter's meal . . .

I prefer to cook cornbread in an iron skillet, but I don't have one small enough for two people, and I refuse to make a full recipe of cornbread to accomodate the skillet method. I just need to purchase a 4" or 6" skillet!

The after Parmesan shot. Wasn't that a pretty table? And yes, those are vitamins that you see at each place! :)

I also flipped to page 57 (the breads page) where a recipe for Apple Drop Biscuits caught my eye. They were made with oat flour and spelt, two flours I'd not worked with before. They sounded good (the biscuits), but I didn't want to invest money in the flour. Interestingly enough, there was a section of different flours and how to use then, to vary from the normal white/wheat flours. It also talked about milling your own flour from oats, or whatever, so I thought I might give it a try, using the steel cut oats I had on hand. The first attempt with my food processor (which I've never been impressed with) was an epic fail. But then I remembered reading about people using their coffee grinders to grind things like nutmeg and whatever, so I pulled it out and put the steel cut oats in it. *Perfect.* I was so pleased! So I used the oat flour and then for the spelt, I substituted a mix of pecan meal and wheat flour. They were very good!

Needless to say, when I stopped in the grocery store this weekend, I noticed that a new issue of Clean Eating was out. It went home with me, too. :)

These were my reveal gifts from my secret pal, April. Oh, along with the Hancock's gift card. Wasn't she sweet?!?!

And finally, here's a quick glimpse of Sawyer's baby quilt. I still have to cut the vertical orange strips and then sew all the strips together. Kim has the bumper pads and the crib skirt done already. It's going to be so cute! I've decided I'll tie off the polka-dot squares with a small orange satin ribbon, and then I'll quilt an "S" in each of the striped squares. I got some beautiful rich chocolate brown flannel to back it with. I'm so excited!

Let the week begin!
