Friday, February 5, 2010

Waiting for Something Can Be still A Surprise When It Happens!!!!!

Hello all!
Let me say here, I am in over my head right now. I will tell you exactly why! For months I have asked my husband to move a hutch, that I no longer am using in my dining room, ( have a new one).... therefore I pictured this hutch as a wonderful storage place for all of my quilting stuff, items such as, books, fabrics, my baskets of scraps, and tools... Etc. After awhile I just gave up on my darling, sweet husband.
Yet the other day, he surprised me, he walked over towards the hutch, I felt my heart jump a leap... and I thought...... Oh my, he is going to move it.!!!!!

Well, he did. !!!!!!! Yet even with the entire huge thrill of this, my sewing room is in a huge mess... and I have been working on this. Not to say I need to finish a few blocks for two different groups. With all I have to do right now, I shall return this weekend with some snap shots of my blocks... and maybe my sewing room.
I am with a big smile though it is all coming together.
Have a great Day! Hugs Morgan