Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Miami Valley Album Quilt - Mystery Quilt 2010 and A Contest, A Contest

A few months ago I bought a quilt book that someone had recommended on Amazon. When I bought it, Amazon did one of it's "people who like that book also liked this one" things. I thought this book looked interesting so I bought it too. I can't remember the name of the original book but I absolutely LOVE this one. It is chock full of my kind of quilts and all the history I love to go with them. So when I was thinking about the Mystery Quilt this year I decided to do a quilt patterned after theirs. I added some blocks of my own, of course - like the fishbowl block from an antique quilt I saw at Festival. And, also of course, I didn't use strictly solid fabrics.

And I'm making mine an "Album" quilt also. Before I finish it, I'll embroider a name or names on each block.

This is Pep and Dueces - Pep is a cat person. I'll embroider the name of his first cat "Sylvester" and of course "Deuces" on the cat block.

And these guys are Dotso and Jeremiah. (The water is really clear - the wall behind them is gold.) There's a long story behind these goldfish. It all started when Jake asked if he could have one of the 12 cent goldfish they sell at Petsmart. I have found out a lot about goldfish since then. They don't live in a little bowl like in the block - each mature fish needs 10 gallons of water and can live up to around 25 years. For my birthday Pep got me a 37 gallon tank. I find them very restful. They are my quiet friends.

Anyway, anyway..... each block will have a family member's (human or otherwise) name or names on it. The names don't necessarily have to have anything to do with the block. They can if there's a link but otherwise just the name of someone you know and care for enough to remember. Of course there will be flower blocks, etc. I can't give away too much - it's a Mystery Quilt. I am enjoying this quilt very much so decided to share the fun.

Make a comment - anything at all between now and Feb. 24th. The morning of the 25th Tara will draw a name and we'll give that person the Mystery Quilt this year - a block at a time of course. If you already belong and we draw your name, we'll give you next years blocks free.

Have fun and good luck to all.