Monday, February 1, 2010

Cutting Pieces Today!

Hi All! Here it is February already! My day was filled with cutting out my pieces for my 2 different blocks... and now I am getting ready to hand pieces these together. I tried to take pictures of these blocks to give you an idea of what I am doing. You have to look hard at these. Oh well! Sometimes the pictures come out good...not this time!
It has been a rather nasty day outside here in Fla. Rain and that kind that just gives a spit here and there. Yet I enjoyed working on these get to this point of hand piecing. My husband is home...for a day and half... therefore, I am keeping this short. My two blocks are quilted Diamonds QDA12... it is so pretty. The other is from Quilted Diamonds 2 QD 2-2. That is also pretty. I will be back... Wednesday! See you all then... with pictures of my blocks. Hugs Morgan