Monday, January 4, 2010

simplicity on earth . . .

There's so much I want to share and say; but in order to get it all down, I'd have to be sitting here 24/7 in order to catch it all! Of course, the conundrum of that is, if I were sitting at the computer 24/7, I wouldn't be living the life that I want to capture & share. Same ol', same ol'. :)

I was up early enough to catch this yesterday's sunrise. The sky was mottled with steel gray clouds, so the sun streaked through it in pinks and oranges. Quite beautiful. It struck within me this continued pressing for simpler life - simpler eating, simpler routine, simpler belongings . . .

Regardless of all our careful preparation and winterizing, the water connection from the source to the RV froze Saturday. Thankfully we'd filled the freshwater tank, and it's not been too big a deal. It has emphasized to me how much for granted I take my fresh water source! I was very conscious each time I turned on the tap for a drink, a wash, a rinse . . . even to flush! I think I'll get a couple gallon jugs of water and put them up, just to make coffee and oatmeal without worrying about having enough water for showers! :)

My friend, Sondra, and I headed to Franklin, Tennessee, over the weekend for a trip to Whole Foods Market. This may what prompted my 'back-to-basic' longings this morning! I really, REALLY want to go to a less-processed foods, more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, diet. No. Scratch diet; lifestyle! To that end, Todd & I purchased a small George Foreman grill and a two-person Crock-Pot. Tonight for dinner (which took 20 minutes, tops) we had lean pork chops which I rubbed with a homemade rub, on the grill -- they took less than 7 minutes to cook, and they were *wonderful*! Tonight I'll put the steel cut oats in the crock pot and we'll have yummy oatmeal ready to go in the morning! Yummy!

Todd finally figured out where the water line was frozen and got it thawed! YAY! I'm telling you, you don't realize how much water you use in day-to-day life until it's not readily available! Tonight as I ate dinner and thanked God for His provision with every bite, I was also thanking Him for each drink of water I took. :) He is good.

This morning neither Todd nor I wanted to get up; it was too cold!! When I finally stuck my foot out of the bed, I knew something was not quite right! All the heat vents were ice cold, so I took a peek at the thermostat . . . rut roh! It was at forty-five degrees! Luckily we had filled our backup tank last night, and Todd was able to hook it up and get the heat cranking within minutes. Life in the RV will *never* be boring! :)

I had planned to take down Christmas decorations and the tree today. Nope, didn't happen! By the time we got home this afternoon, and I was able to wash dishes and we had lunch, I just wasn't interested. Instead, I did the Turbo-Jam 20-minute workout and the P90 resistance training. Go me!!

Tonight I'll shower (really enjoying the hot *and* the water), and I will finish up the chicken feet on Julia's wall hanging. In searching online for the best template to use for them, I came across a new blog -- Chickens in the Road. It's wonderful! The author moved to a very rural and small town in West Virginia, and is living a simple life, sharing her experiences with all. It really struck a chord with me . . . perhaps because I have ties and roots in West Virginia, or perhaps because of my longings for living a simpler, more rustic life. Whatever the case, I really like her blog and website and encourage others to check it out!

This afternoon, over our coffee/hot chocolate, Todd and I sat at the big window, watching the birds flit in and about until the deer moved in. We are such a pair; sitting together at the table with all the lights off, pulling binoculars up to get a better look! I like our life.

Shower then quilt . . . life goes on . . . tomorrow it's back to the real world again! By God's good grace, I'm ready!

