Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm A Workaholic!

I was informed last night, at 11:30pm while checking my Facebook page that I am a workaholic. I guess that it's not much of a turn on when I'm checking my work in bed...... My husband is sure that I'm going to die early due to working to death. My response was, well at least my grave will be very warm and soft.
So really..... This made me think. Maybe I need to analyze how I am spending my time.
Here's how the typical day goes for me.
7:45am Wake up, generally to my husband taking a shower and my daughter running around yelling juice.
8:00am Get something for breakfast and head to my in-home office. Usually I eat breakfast at my computer while reading e-mails.

(I don't know why this picture has really bad lighting.)
Generally it takes me until about 10:00am to get finished updating the blog, fulfilling orders & responding to e-mails.
10:00am start quilting. I generally work at my long arm machine from 10:00 until two or three. There is always a lunch break, lots of potty breaks (yes, she is potty trained now!) and a couple of check my e-mail breaks.
2:00pm I fulfill the last orders for the day then head to the post office.

3:00pm Back to the long arm machine. If I am caught up on machine quilting then I get to go have some fun on my conventional.

  YUP, I still sew at my dining room table. We just eat right around my machine, it has a permanent home on the table.
Anytime between 7:00pm and 8:00 I give Ches a bath and eat dinner and get her ready for bed.
Hubbie usually arrives home anytime between 7:00 & 9:00. Depending on the time I sometimes eat dinner with Ches.
Then I try to not work for a little while.
9:00-10:00 or 11:00 I work on website, blog and any tutorials.

So when you see a typo you know why. With this very active little girl running around all day I usually can sit down at the computer late at night.
There is my normal day.....
So what do you think? When I started typing it down I started realizing that I may just be working too much....eeeekkkk.
How does your day usually go?
Are you going to die a early, but warm and soft death like me?

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