Sunday, October 24, 2010

photo shoot . . .

Sawyer's daddy is a photographer. He does terrific work -- really terrific work! He works with another photographer and they're known as Something Beautiful. Yesterday he called me to see if they could come up to the camp and do a photo shoot with Sawyer. Uh, YEAH!

First, though, I took a picture of Sawyer in his quilt! Yay!

He's saying, "I love it, Grandma, thank you!" :)

Then we loaded up and headed down to the lower field to take some photos. It was evidently a great spot, where the afternoon light was perfect for picture-taking.

James had already taken all his props to the spot. I particularly like the picture frame. He took the above picture. Sawyer does such a good job posing! I took the rest of the photos I've posted here with my little Canon.

This boy always has something in his mouth!! He was so cute, trying to grab the grass and get it to his mouth before mommy could stop him!

And I can't believe how strong he is -- sitting there just as happy as can be!

He'd spotted his mommy -- he was ready for some mommy-loving!

I think the series of photos they took in the trunk were my favorite! Chubby cheeks and just happy. Plus, the colors were so much fun -- the mustard, orange and brown!

The whole 'sitting in a trunk' thing was pretty cool, too -- and I really think Sawyer had the most fun in the trunk! They took some where he was sitting on a little chair, holding a book -- but he kept standing up. Every time he stood, Kim had to run over and grab him before he fell. It was the oddest thing watching him go from standing to sitting like that! He's so precocious -- I'm betting he's an early walker.

Still working on the Secret Pal thingie -- but it's cute, oh so cute!
