Friday, October 29, 2010

B&W&Pink Mini Blog Fest - Fall 2010

Scrappy Color Play 8.5" x 11"

This is one of my all time favorite quilts, made for the Journal Quilt Project and shown at the International Quilt Festival in Houston. I love the graphic nature of the pink, fuchsia and black and white. It was a lot of fun to do such small piecing (the blocks are are about 2.75"-yes less than 3"). The paper pieced pattern was designed by my sister Donna and this is a sample for her class. It is a mix and match sampler: there are 6 pairs of blocks with the same pieces but each twin looks different based on color placement. See if you can find the match for each block.
There is a pattern available.

Don't forget to visit my other favorite -- part of my antique quilt collection (a cool blue and white schoolhouse quilt).

And click on the icon to visit even more of the quilt festival

Amy's Creative Side - Blogger's Quilt Festival