Friday, October 22, 2010

I didn't get here alone!

I am one of those people who loves music.
Mostly country music.
Kenny Chesney is my favorite.
Yes, my daughter is named after him.
today I'm feeling really thankful to those who have helped me get to where I am today. 
I still have a long ways to go and I don't think I'll ever be perfect but I just can't get this song out of my head and I thought I'd share some favorite lines with you.

To everyone who helped pave my way
If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here today
To all my friends...........
All the critics, sinners, doubters, y'all know who you are.

Mom and dad and all your prayers
And those looking down from up there.

I didn't get here alone
That road is just to rough and long
I might be the one the spotlight's on
But, I didn't get here alone
Yeah, I know I didn't get here alone.

As many of you know I've decided that I wanted to pursue a dream of pattern designing. I needed a lot of help from my family to pursue this dream. Thankfully some crazy situations have happened and Krachel (my sister) has moved right next to my studio and has been able to help me in designing the actual patterns.
(Krachel & her husband)
With that I am super excited to announce that my patterns are well under way and besides the new Blessings pattern I will have 5 more new patterns coming soon!
 (a new design well under way)
Also, thank you to Kathleen for all of your help, for staying up with me all night long on more than one occasion to finish a project and for binding all of my quilts! Thank you to Whitnee for your help with Chesney and being supportive. Thank you to my dad for showing interest. Even if you really don't care, when you come by the studio and show interest it keeps me going. 
Last but definitely not least, thank you so much to Brad (my husband) thank you for supporting me and letting me live a dream.

As crazy as this may sound I am also thankful for the people who doubted me.
You never knew but you lit a fire under me and made me want to prove you wrong!

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