Friday, October 22, 2010

Introducing Karen Silvers

Flora Checks In
Promised Land

I play around with all kinds of mediums, but my main muse and mentor is color.  I love dyes, paints, and inks.  I enjoy putting color on fabric so much that sometimes I forget I'm supposed to actually do something with it. 

Pieceful Tigers
I mostly make art quilts, but love all quilts and generally make one or two more traditional quilts each year.  Always though, I add some twist.  With color or careful placement of some commercial print, I make it different: a pattern is a suggestion in my little world.  I love the challenge of intricate piecing that traditional quilts can provide.

Bamboo Tiger

Heart Like a Wheel -- work in progress
I am driven to create and started my blog, A Creative K, because I was having trouble finding the time to be creative.  Not being creative makes me a little crazy -- and not in a good way.  Joining the ranks of bloggers has given me new friends and a new outlet for my need for creativity.  I also include the occasional poem on my blog, which is a nod to my degree in creative writing.  Otherwise I try to focus on visual art and its processes.  My web page,, is still under construction, but I have grand plans for it.  Someday.

I am a member of Madison Contemporary Fiber Artists in Wisconsin.  Included in this group are quilters, dyers, weavers, felters, and other stitchers.  The diversity is exciting and inspiring.

As I was editing the photos for this, I noticed that they mostly feature animals -- this is not by design, but just a happy coincidence.  I do love animals and they make great subject matter.  This is a detail of my latest quilt.  In a day or two, I will post the whole thing and all the information on my blog.