Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hello, My Dear Quilting Friends,

Good afternoon all!

I am a very happy person today! After months and months dealing with my Internet connects, rebooting a half a dozen times a day, or not even having service…. Which really bugged me so… I decided to call and complain to the company of

I am about to badmouth this company…. in the nicest way I can. This company is a satellite company and it cost $500.00 for the dish to be put into our yard.Three years ago. Told it was not ours it still belongs to the company.

Well, when I made my call, (which took me a long while to do as I can never understand the folks on the other end). From another country. Well, I went on to explain my situation and problems that occur all the time. This person (James) says, well Mrs. Hess you are the problem. I said, excuse me, I am the problem? Shocked by this, let me tell you. He goes on to say; you go over your amount a day. I said amount what are you talking about.???? I pay$74.00 a month like I have for the last three years. Only the last 6 months I have been dealing with a computer that is always off line, or so slow it takes 5 hours to download anything..

James went on to say, when I go over amount, which he added has been everyday for 6 months …we put you into slow mode for 24 hours and then you get back your fast connection until you go over your 3KB a day.

Shocked, really mad, I said in other words your controlling my amount I use a day. He said, yes and you download into I tunes and that is the problem. Wow not only do they control my amount, they know what I am doing on my computer.

With this info and asking a few more questions I knew I was done with this Company. I went on to say, do you think if I got an upgrade from pro to the highest would that help. Oh James jumps in and says…oh yes it will be faster, yet if you go over 3KB a day which all of our clients have, and share then you will go into slow mode. I said, you mean be punished for going over? He said well, Mrs. Hess its only fair that everyone gets the same amount of usage. 3KB is less than what you get to watch one movie on your computer.

Still in shocked. Over this whole situation, I hung up. I called another company and one my kids use, and they said, it’s against the law to put a limit on the amount we use. So yesterday I got my new Internet system put in. It’s cheaper for me, and wow so fast.

Oh, how I have suffered all these past months.

Well then I called back again. To close my account. Those people who are in another country, they sent me to 8 different people… and finally the last girl, says we can come out to check your dish… I said No I already have a new company and just want you to close me down. Even though I paid you the other day the 74.00/

She finally, after trying everything to keep me… shut me down. I said, now come get all of your stuff the big dish in my yard. Well, she said Mrs. Hess that is all yours. You paid for it. (Shocked again for three years they told me it was theirs, and they even wanted to come check it out and charge me to do so. Now it’s all mine.

I am happy to say though; I love my new company and fast service. I just cannot believe that this company can get away with this type of controlling they are doing. They were great up till 6 months ago.

Thank you for reading, and listening to me share this news and please by all means pass on to everyone you know to not use this company. Hughes Net.

Have a great day; I am off to do some paper piecing. Hugs Morgan