Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Quilting my own Souvenir Part 2

I have made some progress on my Les-Iles-de-la-Madeleine-Inspired Quilt. I finally settled on using the very simple design of the squares above. As mentioned in the previous post, the colours of each square represent actual combinations of main paint colour and trim of houses we saw on the islands. I think that by looking at the squares you can tell it was a beautiful colourful place!
The white squares with the red in the middle represent something else we saw. Any guesses? They are a very simple representation of .... lighthouses. Each one had a red top and a white body. The squares aren't arranged yet, but the lighthouse squares will definitely stay in the outside rows, just like they are always on the outside edges of land.
As you can see in the photo I still have to trim the squares. I don't use pins when I'm quilting, so I cut pieces a bit longer than needed then trim to make sure ends are straight. It generates quite a few little scraps, but they don't go to waste. My scraps that are too small to use myself either go to a friend who appliques and can use tiny bits, or to my son's preschool for the kids to make crafts.
I still have more squares to make, then the grass, sand, cliff and ocean borders! I am enjoying it and I think the quilt will be a nice remembrance of our trip.
I thought I'd just show this fox for fun -- one of four we saw during our vacation! Doesn't he/she look so soft and sweet? Foxes are such curious things they are more photogenic than other animals I've tried to take pictures of. In the time they are wondering and figuring out what I'm doing, I am inching closer and closer clicking the camera.