Friday, June 18, 2010

chronicle of a foot . . .

Okay. So I wanted to chronicle my foot's journey. Nothing is gross (like the original injury), just stitches and swelling. But if you're sensitive to such things, be forewarned now!

Here is the bandages being removed at my first doctor's appointment, two weeks after the accident/surgery. See the two toes I couldn't get to, to remove the polish?!

Here's the stitch job. It looked a lot better than I expected it to!

From that appointment I left in this lovely black boot. Yeah.

A week later I went back to have the stitches removed. My foot was considerably more swollen this time than it was the first time. The doc said this was normal and in fact, that it would get worse!

Here's the comparison photo . . .

Look, ma! No more stitches! And I didn't even cry!

I left that appointment with this lovely purple fiberglass cast!

And I immediately went home and painted the toes on the hurt foot! :)

Okay. So that's it for now. I go back on July 7th and she'll remove the cast, x-ray again, and make a determination from there. Luckily the bones in my heel have stay aligned nicely, and a second surgery may not be necessary!

Since we're staying at the house, we're reaping the benefits of the flowers that are growing there. Todd has been trying to get this beauty to blossom for three years. Isn't the color beautiful? Of course, my photo doesn't do it justice. It was a deep burgundy!

Here's me in another of my Mother's Day outfits!

And of course, my favorite subject, Sawyer!!!

Life is good. God is good!
