Monday, June 21, 2010

Had one wonderful Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi! I had a wonderful day! Of course I was suppose to go to a doctor today, yet they called causing a total mess of things. I told them.... lets just make it another day. This is the doctor whom I do not care for very much, and I am not going to play games..or get stressed out with all the messes they make.

Denny and I had a nice time together today! We worked on a water pump that brings the water from the lake to water our yard. Free water. Well it for some reason did not have any pressure at all. Well our friend Tim who lives across the street came over and said, its not your pump...its snails that get in your pump and blocks it up. Great news it was just that. Here we are thinking we'd have to go buy a new one.

That was wonderful news. As they are sure costly. Had a wonderful time talking with my daughter early evening.. She is helping me learn everything on my Mac.
Did I quilt today! way. Its hard to do that when Denny is home. Therefore I just let the idea go... and just enjoy his time home.

He sure enjoyed his Father's Day meal.... and loved the card I had gotten for him. He actually loved it. He was not expecting this... and it did surprise him.

Well off to bed. Lalalala I love such great days! Hugs Morgan