Wednesday, June 23, 2010

quilting is back in my life . . . !

Well, slowly but surely, anyway! I haven't gotten brave enough to try my sewing machine, but I might this weekend. I had some hand quilting that I'd started on the pillow I'm making to match my very first quilt. I finished the interior yesterday; I just have to do the border now, which I can't until I get the stencil from the RV. Living in one place with the majority of my life at another place is quite interesting!

Since it's the face of a pillow, but because I did want the quilted look, I backed it with plain muslin. I have to admit, though, that I really like the look of the quilting on the white background!

Maybe enough to attempt a whole cloth quilt, someday!

Some time back I blogged about the plants I'd left behind. My African Violet was one of those plants. After I'd brought it home two years ago, and the original blooms died, I could never get it to bloom again. This must be another of those plants that appreciates neglect. When Todd and I temporarily moved back to Hunter Road, this is what greeted me . . .

Isn't it beautiful? I think it likes being in a south-facing window.

And then, of course, what entry of mine would be complete without a photo (or two or ten) of my most darling grandson??? He came and visited with me on Saturday and stayed for a couple of hours. I got lots of holding and snuggling time in!

Sheer bliss!
