Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Guess Who Owns This Quilt?

I am pleased to present: Eli's Log Castle Quilt. Eli is my son and quilting assistant (currently sitting on my lap as I type). As to why I called it Log Castle ... well if a little square made out of fabric logs is a log cabin, then a whole big quilt made with them must be a log castle!
So, that is the method I used, log cabin style. I added border after border, some plain, some made of patchwork. I alternated colours with a perky dotted fabric on black. This quilt was fast, easy and fun. I was fortunate as E,L and I have to be about the easiest letters to neatly free-piece ... I mean they are just rectangles put together. After I figured out that the length and width of the upright center ELI rectangle were correct to give me a twin size quilt after I added all the logs, I was off!

I was lucky that my son's name just has three letters, but if you wanted to try it yourself, initials are a great 3 letter possibility ... or even 4 or 5 letters would probably work, as long as your proportions are okay.

The binding is scrappy, made of several of the fabrics in the quilt. Each piece is a random length. The back is shown in the inset photo. The red fabric in the middle on the back is the "I Love You" fabric I use instead of a signature tag on my kids' quilts.
It was long-arm quilted with turquoise thread at my LQS.
Just for fun, this is a photo done in negative on my editing program. Aren't the colours cool? I love how the red turned to a gorgeous turquoise -- my favourite colour. I think this negative shot could give me a whole new theme of colours for another quilt!
Thanks for stopping by!