Thursday, September 30, 2010

One Week

The events of this week included my youngest finally getting her wisdom teeth out, myself having ocular migraines, rain pouring through the closed windows in our living room, and my husband traveling to be at his mothers bedside, because she is in the process of dying, despite being the picture of health a mere two months ago.

All of this seems to point to a pretty bad week, but in reality my daughter is healing well. I was relieved to find out the strange visual disturbances and pressure behind my eyes were just a migraine and not a retinal tear, as I had feared. I'm blessed with a pretty view as I sop up the water from my leaky windows. And most importantly, my Mother-in-Law in the last days of her life has brought family together who needed to be brought together. She is surrounded by people who love her and will miss her, and in the profound sadness of her passing there is tremendous grace and gratitude for her life.